Remnants of Home and Six Poems

I write because it feels primitive to me; the purest form of visible brain functionality. 



























































































Question: Why poetry?

Maithri: I write because it feels primitive to me; the purest form of visible brain functionality.
I wrote these pieces as a part of a project in college on migration. All the poems are actual experiences that I’ve collated together to create a poetry zine. The poems featured are from this zine. They are post-modern and post-structural understandings of the idea of “home” in our global, interconnected world



I'm a 20 year-old Literature student on the verge of tasting what life has to offer. Curious lover of finding stories in almost anything and everything.


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  • Congratulations Mythri.

    I am particularly impressed with your motto:

    “I write because it feels primitive to me; the purest form of visible brain functionality. ”
    I suppose it’s only in such state poetry comes out spontaneously.
    “Who are you?”… seems more intellectual than mundane.

    But “Remnants of Home” is exceptionally good.

    Yes, we are all nomadics holding on to that nostalgic idea of ‘our home’, carrying its scents into another piece of land before we get used to it and clain our own again.

    Wish you all the best in your literary endeavour.

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