Nanjangud Express

It’s Nanjangud

Annu visits

raves about

as she usually does

about old temples

the older the monument

the more the raving

so long as they are well preserved

like the famed pickles.

I too visited this famous temple

a couple of years ago

took some photographs

that had been swept away from my  camera

because of my poor curatory skills.

But Nanjangud

simply takes me back

to my childhood days

the Nanjangud tooth powder

before Gopal’s from Madurai overtook  it.

Some tastes linger on

don’t they

unaffected by time

no matter

the changing fashions?

(Inspired by Annapoorna Sitaram’s Nanjangood pictures)


Like a blind creature
it knows not
it’s own beauty to speak
Hard without
soft within
Slimy within
most stunning without
it’s nature’s glory caught
in a single shot
Naththa-gulla in Telugu
the snail’s shell too
is a nut hard to crack.

Sridhar M

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