mortal barter

Would you save my life

Or would you want to trade it for yours?

We only have enough love to sustain one of us

To fill up the crevices of earlier unrequited love

Who’s gonna abstain from this earthly pleasure

To keep the fire in the other burning?

Maybe if one of us burns enough,

The other could thaw their hands over it

Am I the fire or the kindling?

And would you burn to see me thrive?

In another time, another life,

Would I love you again?

Enough to burn away

Be the light that showcases your smile?

Who wants love that doesn’t hurt

Or tear pieces of us away till both of us are worthy of the love

We dreamt about?

Shall I light the match stick?

Or extend you the honour?


Shriya Prasad

An English literature major living in a world where coffee is a magical health supplement, men are half as confused as women, orchids wither only after a month, four months of autumn and carpe diem or a less cliche version of it is the normality. In the end, all the art still matters.

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