Together-Moments (Terzanelle)

As we clasp hands to lock our love
I embrace my life all over
To hold the vim and vigor of it 

Have I ever told you?
I rush the days to pass by
To live in those together-moments

As you enthrall my dreams
I summon the moon to guard the nights
I rush the days to pass by

As I hone the twinkle in my eyes
I invite the stars to shine on
I summon the moon to guard the nights

As you sprout like a smile on my lips
To hold the vim and vigor of it
I invite the stars to shine on

As we clasp hands to lock our love
I embrace my life all over
To hold the vim and vigor of it

You’re my love, longing, life and a lot more
Have I ever told you?
I embrace my life all over
To live in those together-moments

Terzanelle (from Wikipedia): A Terzanelle is a poetic form with nineteen lines total, with five triplets and a concluding quatrain. The middle line of each triplet stanza is repeated as the third line of the following stanza, and the first and third lines of the initial stanza are the second and final lines of the concluding quatrain; thus, seven of the lines are repeated in the poem.

Lalitha TS


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