The tale of a Poet

while transforming his aesthetic liberty
into narcissism

he gambles with expressions
turning the locutions of credos

into beauty of tenets
trying to find amorous melody of life
he always lost in lush thoughts
recreating a brazen space for new celestial cities
he is blissfully poetic.

he is a bloke compelled to dream on

harbouring hope, conceiving the ambition

delivers the ultimate…

even at the tragic orgasmic release

he is still a Poet.

being Utopian is his

second nature

forgetting the cultured bites of

trauma in dogmatic ethics
he tries weaving

a carpet of viaduct

between the actuality and contentment
yet, always flops to

realize the power of reality

after all he is a poet.



The Valley of Life Revisited  


blessed is he who nourishes on

green leaf and blue skies

exalted is he who feeds on the

clouds and curves

hallowed is he who slurps from Time

let him ignore rationalism for a while

Just for an experience

Let him see life in

village waters and villa relations

what’s the heavenly hymn

to thank the ultimate

except by feeding on

rainbows of eternity

or, nourishing on Vesper’s orange

thank you Life—

you taught me how not to live

life is beautiful with

anecdotes of sweet nothings




Srinivas Vasudev


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  • Amazingly beautiful lines about a Poet !
    ” gambles with expressions, weaving a carpet of viaduct between eternity & contentment. Very true ” after all he is a poet ! 👏👏👏👏👏

  • WAV ! Valley of Life .
    It is not inseparable , interlinked with the Nature . one cannot control enjoying the sweetness of nourishing on green leaves n blue skies . KUDOS!!! What an astonishing lines on Vesper’s orange
    ‘ life is beautiful with anecdotes of sweet nothings . Can anyone deny that . That is the beauty of this poem . Great feeling of your poetry Vasudev ji

  • The words ..That syntax in forming the rythem ..The ultimate rendition makes the poem a successful articulated poetic piece.
    Even at the tragic orgasmic release
    He is still a poet….
    This line is a core of its intensity .. kudos kudos

    Regarding 2 poem it’s a beautiful..Flawless..You made my day with these beautiful poems..
    With all these rythemic lines
    I can call You as a ‘ bard” rather than a poet…!!

  • Whatever little I read of your poetry, I felt Mr Arjun Ranjesndran’s poems reflected successfully. Kudos to both.

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