Terzanelle: New beginning is here!

Let the Past be a memory to carry

Let the Life leap forward

New Beginning is here!


Many a Hurdle passed

Let the Will be freed

Let the Life leap forward


Exciting will be the Journey

Let’s move ahead

Let the Will be freed


New Surprises are in store

Let the wings of Hope be spread

Let’s move ahead


This is the moment of Joy

Let’s spring ahead together

Let the wings of Hope be spread


Let’s gather our Hopes and Dreams

Let the Past be a memory to carry

Let’s spring ahead together

New Beginning is here!


[Terzanelle from WIKIPedia: A Terzanelle is a poetic form with nineteen lines total, with five triplets and a concluding quatrain. The middle line of each triplet stanza is repeated as the third line of the following stanza, and the first and third lines of the initial stanza are the second and final lines of the concluding quatrain; thus, seven of the lines are repeated in the poem.]



Lalitha TS


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