Sugarbread and her dreams

Book Name: Sugar Bread
Author: Balli Kaur Jaiswal

This book, ‘ Sugarbread ‘ Balli Kaur Jaiswal,  is about life. It is about a young girl living in a land where her mother protects her dreams. Pin or Parveen, her deeds are insulated by her mother from the evil and tormenting realities of life. Though the plot looks complicated, it is quite engaging.

It is a stunning story of ten-year-old Pin (Parveen), who lives and grows up in Singapore in the early 90s. Hers is a simple life with her friends, football, and a happy childhood with her parents. Right from the start, the story and mention of food go hand in hand. This is one of the interesting aspects of Jaiswal’s writing. The book’s characters are so realistic that a reader might find his or her reflection in the characters. Like in real life, the characters deal with every human emotion. Be it happiness, sadness, disappointments or disagreements; there are life-changing sequences written so realistically that the readers cannot stop lauding the author’s writing.

The story’s narration is flowing, shocking, disturbing, fascinating and haunting. The attractive point of the story is in the initial pages of the story. The story is so engaging from the initial pages itself, and as the readers turn the pages, they will get involved in the story immensely. The situations explained that happen in reality in every part of the world hooks the readers’ minds. The chaos, the woes and the cries are vividly explained. The language used in the story is effective. I used the word effective because there are certain places where her writing skills surprise the readers. The idioms and the analogies she uses in explaining some emotions is stunning.

Author Balli Kaur Jaiswal is known and admired for her writing skills. This is my second book of hers and her story-telling is absolutely engaging. Wherever possible, Miss Jaiswal points the indifferences and biased shown by the Singaporean nationals. Other than this, the cultural aspects affecting the living of the people in a land different from their land is shown well.

The book is set up in the 90s era in the country of Singapore. The story is narrated from the perspective of a child which makes the read more interesting. This novel is written in a sensitive tone which has layers of raw emotions of love and empathy. The story also has so much description of food in ever chapters. The mention of food and emotions go hand in hand in the book. As the book is about a Sikh family, there is also a lot of mention about religion and religious Gurus. I found this mention a little difficult to interpret as I cannot relate to the Sikh religious concepts. The readers who concur with these thoughts will find the book good. I recommend the book for those readers who are the readers of serious fiction.


Swapna Peri

Swapna Peri is a Freelance book reviewer, blogger, editor and narrator. She contributes reviews on Storizen Magazine, Evince Publishers, Literoma Publishers, BookSirens, Netgalley, The Rise Insight website, The Literature Time website, and The Asian Review, a Srilankan book reviews website. Her blog has been named in the "Best Indian Book Review Journalists and
Editors" list by Feedspot. (2020 - Present), named in "India's best literature blogs" list by Indian Top Blogs. (2020 - Present) and indexed by Blogarama. (2023 - Present).

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