On the Road (Again)

We have learned to live with the virus, to wear masks, to keep travel to a minimum. We have also learned to hope again. So here is On the Road (Again).

We must catch up, survey the day’s lot and last night’s
dreams. Ask about the vaccine. Have you received
one yet? What does the unvaccinated mean now?
And how shall we proceed? What about the monster,
let off again in the Senate but damaged surely. Surely
he can only visit polling stations again in some deep
collective nightmare? Or he may disappear, unable
to traffick his hate in the major thoroughfares
of social media, with no television program
to his name. Maybe he can go back into the deep
woods where bats circulate with all the viruses
unknown to humans and get bitten again? I have
already spent too many lines on the unnamed.
This is Valentine’s Day and you my love
deserve better, a fresh page, a new beginning.
So five,four, three, two, one, as the good lady
advises on the TED talk. Lift off. Get on the road
with Joe and Kamala or just with ourselves,
in our majority, and free again. Free at last.

February 14, 2021

Image: Anandan Amirthanayagam

Indran Amirthanayagam

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  • Too contemporary it’s like listening to badhshaa of bollywood , philosophies thrown in faces just like that .Really loved your work.

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