Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful

He whispered words gently

That touched my heart

The moment I met him


A beautiful smile came my way

With a twinkle in the eyes

That touched my heart


He took my hand, won my heart

Filling my life with love and grace

With a twinkle in the eyes


He taught me life lessons

The way I had never known

Filling my life with love and grace


He made me believe

“Life Is Beautiful”

The way I had never known


How Blessed I must be!!!!

He whispered words gently

“Life Is Beautiful”

The moment I met him



[Terzanelle from WIKIPedia: A Terzanelle is a poetic form with nineteen lines total, with five triplets and a concluding quatrain. The middle line of each triplet stanza is repeated as the third line of the following stanza, and the first and third lines of the initial stanza are the second and final lines of the concluding quatrain; thus, seven of the lines are repeated in the poem.]




Lalitha TS


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