
1. Let!
Let things go silent
Like the frozen ripples on time
Let them go
Like falling leaves
mellowed and dry
Which donot even know when they should fall
Let memories flow
Like light from star to star
From smile to smile
And from tear to tear
Till an awakening touches us
Like the wet fragrance of the night’s sky
Let the vision of our eyes gleam
Like the smiling warm candle light
On the mirrored memoirs of our hearts
Asking to collect
the reminiscences of cuddled nights
Let life grow
Spreading love and kindness
On the walls of hearts’ wombs!
2. Orange
The same fruit
that tempted me once
for its soft glowing beauty
reminds me now
of a revolution
with sore hearts
and a burning sun rind!

విజయ్ కోగంటి


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