In Our Times

Dying is now truly lonely
no loved ones by your side
or at your wake
In the crematorium
a lone technician cries
Out in the cemetery
all stand six feet apart
to your six feet under
(yes, terrible puns are fact now)
But believe this love
like your god does embrace us all.


Mukoma Wa Ngugi

Mukoma Wa Ngugi is a Kenyan author, poet and academic. He is Associate Professor of English at Cornell University and the author of The Rise of the African Novel: Politics of Language, Identity and Ownership. His works include the novels Mrs. Shaw, Black Star Nairobi and Nairobi Heat, two books of poetry, Logotherapy and Hurling Words at Consciousness. His novel Unbury Our Dead With Song about competing Tizita musicians is forthcoming from Cassava Republic Press (Fall of 2020).

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