Harshita Kalluri’s Three Poems


It’s okay


It’s always there,

The pain in your heart.


It’s okay to cry,

It’s okay to let it out.


For I was there once

And you were too.


And we know what it feels like,

To feel like letting it out but having no one to listen.


It’s okay to feel sad,

We all have our bad days.


It’s okay to weep,

But happiness can be found in so many ways.


It’s okay to pray for a helping hand,

Even the strongest sometimes feel vulnerable.


It’s okay to howl in the engulfing flames,

As your real strength lies in rising from the ashes.


2. I


Looks like she’s got coldest of glaciers for eyes,

Smiles like she’s got sweetest of honey for lips,

Thinks like she’s got fastest of machines for a brain,

Loves like she’s got spitfires of hell for a heart,

See’s through like she’s got deepest of oceans for a soul.


As she thought, believed and achieved.



Hurt and beyond


Unanswered phone calls,

Messages left unseen,

Questions left hanging,

No ‘how have you been?’


Conversations getting shorter,

Distance getting farther,

Hearts growing distant,

Is this how loneliness feels?


Words uttered hastily leave a mark unseen,

Actions… Oh how they break the heart every time,

A little photo here,

A tiny greeting there,


Why oh why has everything happening to me had to happen?

Is it for me to simply write more?

Wishing people would just try to go beyond pieces of paper…

Oh, how I wish someone would look into me,

beyond the barrier of these eyes


Look deep inside

And find a soul

If it exists.


Kalluri Harshitha is an undergraduate student pursuing MSDS at Govt City College, Hyderabad. She considers herself as an ‘amateur’ poet in every sense of the word but her work tends to prove otherwise. She is an avid reader of fiction, thinks that writing is a way to handle the pain in her life. More importantly as she puts it ‘It’s okay to howl in the engulfing flames’, and the ‘real strength lies in rising from the ashes.’

Harshitha Kalluri

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