Featured Poet: Smitha Mohandas

Smitha Mohandas  is working as an Assistant Professor in English in Government Victoria College, Palakkad, Kerala. Her academic interests include African literature, Tibet studies, Indian literature in English, World Literature, Gender studies and Film studies. Her extra activities comprise writing poems, film reviews and book reviews.

Her writings have been published in various online platforms like ReadingroomCo.com, Learning and Creativity-Silhouette, Indian Periodical,  Countercurrents and Fasihi Magazine. Her poems have appeared in national and international publications like The Ether Euphony and Paradise on Earth (Vol.2). She has scholarly essays  published in books as well as in online academic journals.



(Blank space)


A blank paper lies prostrate on my table.

I stare at the paleness of the moon.

I see it’s mockery.

Callused  fingers  fidgeting

a lackadaisical pen…

Eons slip by at every sway.

I wring out my arteries.

Nothing comes out.

Nothing but numbness…

The air in the room tries to

resuscitate my cerebrum

but I gasp only blandness.

My paper pines for inky blobs in blue

but something clogs them midway through.

Words are delinquent little monsters-

impish elves playing possum .

The night penetrates into the cold air

leaves susurrate irking the silence of my room.

Wanton vultures nibble my pallid paper.

A poem perishes in the embryo.

Blood congeals

Cascades freeze

What lies ahead?

Cul de sac?



Smitha Mohandas

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