Chaitali Sengupta’s Two Poems

Chaitali Sengupta is an emotive poet with a heart that feels, expresses and tries to heal. Compassion is woven into beautiful images that gives shape to the pain and the promise of healing. Scars are versified as a seed that grows and gives solace to the heart. The depth of the phrase ‘informed scars’ rings a bell in the reader, reminding of past associations. But sometimes the sorrow is too deep to negotiate and it is difficult to keep up hope. In ‘Home in after life’ the images are violently cold and frosty with no inkling of the warmth of home. The poet shatters all illusions of homecoming with an interrogation.


Whisper your tales


Whisper your tales, in the space

between life and death,

O broken soul,

for you know not which

part of it, shall be a healing balm to


the other. Which of the scars, like

a seed, would sprout and

grow, in the heart of the

other, with the force of a

promise, rummaging in our souls, lulling


the heart. You know not, O brave soul,

who would be restored,

by your informed scars,

and for whom, it shall

a moral compass be. And for whom,


your tale shall be its last dream,

breaking the illusion of this world.


Home-in after life


A frosty loneliness,

sculpts the land white,

dripping cold snowdrifts

crawl into her skin. She thinks


of home, blurred, lost

in the map of war. Wailing

memories, at the edge of her

past, whipping at her face, like the


bitter gush of wind. It

scours her homesick soul,

raw- clean, but in the war-torn

land, her body is restless, bleeding,


a hostage to everything

that were forever gone. Far

away from home, she cobbles up in dream.


The urge to return comes

back, each night, like a staggering

drunk, seeking his home. Seasons turn.


Between her two worlds,

there is a lifetime. Her world

in exile, smells of the wet soil of her land.


It sweeps over her being.

Towards it, she runs. Drugged in

her dreams. Home. Is that real? Or, may be


real only in afterlife?


Chaitali Sengupta

Chaitali Sengupta is an accomplished writer and translator, skilled in crafting and translating fiction, non-fiction, and poems. A reviewer, journalist, and language teacher, Chaitali's first book was a collection of poems Cross Stitched Words that garnered recognition for her. It bagged the ‘Honourable Mention’ award at the New England Book Festival 2021. She is an experienced translator, too with three translation works to her credit. Her translation work Timeless Tales in Translation won the Special Jury award in the Panorama International Literary Festival 2023. Her new book The Crossings is a collection of poems on war, migration & survival that received critical acclaim in the poetry press in the Netherlands. She is a consistent contributor to many prestigious online and print media. She writes for the Dutch newspaper Eindhoven News and presently, she is busy transcreating Dutch author Louis Couperus' work into modern-day English.

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