Amusement and regret !!

Our life is a festival in its own misery ,
No footprints left behind
No breadcrumbs spared
Nothing to Lose But Unhappiness
Surrounded by immense brutality
shaped as altruistic advice
Living as a Hallucinatory Murderer of the closest loved ones
in romantisized subcultures
Oh tormented gloomy soul ,
We people
seem to enjoy a certain sense of living ‘deeply’ ,
deeper than the rest of superficial society .
As expectation clings and
As these etiquette sympathies touches
our darkest and sorrowful feelings
Our life is a festival in its own misery
No footprints left behind
No breadcrumbs spared
Nothing to loose but unhappiness
We make mountains out of molehills
Cause’ the egocentric sense of self,
Our life is a great work of problems
and problems don’t exist, we create ’em while filtering the reality .
This never ending
cycle of fixing ourselves
from wallowing misery
Is my friend , is the truest form of misery
Yet, no footprints left behind
No breadcrumbs spared
Nothing to gain but a big fat NaDa ,zero, zilch.


బ్రెయిన్ డెడ్

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