A Drizzle, a Flowering Tree and a Honey bee

Like waves from the sea
Its heart sprouted in innumerable buds
By daybreak it blossomed into white bunches of floral joy

Someone said it was Night Queen
And some others said it was China Queen
Anyhow a flowering tree on the premises of our house
Watching out over the wall
And greeting the visitors in green language
Standing in beautiful tenderness
Without shedding leaves

In that midnight when we all slept
Shutting all doors
It waved hands and  invited the cloud like a companion
It experienced ecstatic peels of happiness
With one drizzle of cold showers

Like waves from the sea
Its heart sprouted in innumerable buds
By daybreak it blossomed into white bunches of floral joy
And fragrant clouds all along the street
Making the passersby wonder in pleasant sweet smell

With a cleansed inner core drowned in an inexplicable wave
Hundreds of honey bees from an unknown place hovered
One on each flower
Creating a soft picture of a silent rendezvous of the flowers and the bees
An invisible wave of joy blowing in a cool breeze

This world knows only to disturb
And it does not know how to bloom
And People who cannot become a drizzle, flowering trees or honeybees

(“Vaana jallu, poola chettu, teneteega” (Telugu) from Oka Khadgam, Oka Pushpam of Dr.Papineni Siva Sankar)

Painting: Satya Sufi

Vijay Koganti


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