The Riot

And trembling in anger not to forget the moments of agony
And to teach a lesson to the jackals wolves and dogs of frenzy
A fitting reply to end their tyranny.

Huddled in the hut we hear noises

Shivering in fear we listen to the voices

Sound of cruel footsteps on the heart of mother earth

Hatred and revenge in the night air

Love dried down for ever…


Only wish was to inflict death,

Friendship ended and conflict of unending nightmare…

Last breath of an ebbing life….

Edge of an unrepentant sword…


Footprints in ashes

Our town of half burnt black houses

Yet there is a prayer

In a distant heart worshiping life love and God…


Yet there is a tear in the eye of a child’s mother

Groping for milk to quench her hunger

Yet there is a burning anguish in the eyes that behold,

The images in color in every living room

With brutal men in unblinking eyes…


Staring without expression…

Edge of an unrepentant sword…


Footprints in ashes

Our town of half burnt black houses

Yet there is a prayer

In a distant heart worshiping life love and God…


Yet there is a tear in the eye of a child’s mother

Groping for milk to quench her hunger

Yet there is a burning anguish in the eyes that behold,

The images in color in every living room

A prayer in a “mandir”…

A “namaz” in a minaret

Wailing voices to reach the Lord

And trembling in anger not to forget the moments of agony

And to teach a lesson to the jackals wolves and dogs of frenzy

A fitting reply to end their tyranny.

Madhu Chittarvu

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