You are the magic feather posy…

Mukarramee wa Mu’azzamee Baghramee Khidmat Hazrat S.G. Moazam sahab

Allah yastafī mina al-malā’ikati rusulan wa mina al-nāsi, inna Allaha samī’un baṣīr.

“Allah chooses messengers from among the angels and from among the people; surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.”

                                                                                                                                             – Quran 22:75


**          **

When the delirium buried my body

Like the dune in a raging sandstorm,

When the furnace fume of my sighs

Puff scales like a forked-tongued skink,

My body

Grew insolent,

Beyond remedy or relief.

When the rifts of rocks

And the cracks of parched earth

Strayed into my veins,

When each vertebra broke one by one

With the engulfing vacuum of deserts,

My being turned into a fiery ember

In the smouldering pyre of

Age-old Innalillah chants.

**       **

Behold his fangs, claws, and horns—

The Satan who besieged my essence,

The Iblis born from the inferno beneath the seventh earth.

When, like the fierce flames of Hell,

He smothered my breath,

Your gentle voice became a melody of healing solace.

“Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alameen”

“Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem”

You pray as though merely a conduit—

Perhaps yes, perhaps no, O Israfil,

Angel chosen by Allah.

Your Quranic verses of compassion

Shower like snow flowers.

Spiritual healings

Cause pearls of tears to cascade.

You are the magic feather posy that warded off

The evil eye of piercing needles cast upon me

Your Ruqyah prayer

Becomes the nostalgic scent of Fakir’s incense,

The caress of Dhikr blessings

Became my companion like the protective thread of a Ta’wiz.

**       **

Did you Show me the way?

Grant me the vision?

Did you embody the healing spell

Etched in charcoal graffiti on the mosque wall?

Oh, my Israfil!

In the pure resilience of Sufi souls,

Have you become the grace of Dargah visits!

**       **       **

*To Dr. S.G. Moazam, General Physician, KIMS- Sunshine, Gattibowli.

Naresh Nunna

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