Who am I !

Am i the journey i live
or the destiny i reach

Am i the love i spread
or the dreams i see

Am i the smiles I bring
or the pain I feel

Am i the wind that brings chills
or the breeze that brings peace

Am i the night that brings silence
or the day that brings warmth.

Am i the moon that borrows light
or the sun that shares its wealth

Am i the star that shines
or the sky that spreads

Am i a fierce warrior
or a quiet saint

Am i the battles i fight
or the hearts i win

Am i the change i want to bring
or the dream i want to live

Am i the river that flows
or the lake that stays

Am i the life i live
or the death i die

i am everything i can be and i want to be


Varshitha Kodali

Varshitha Kodali is a first year undergraduate in Microbiology at St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad.

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