Utpal Chakraborty’s Two Poems

Utpal Chakraborty is a seasoned poet. He dwells on the unseen and unsaid, among other things. His poems versify the deeper aspects of reality and existence. His poetic self, searches for answers beyond the material plane compelling the reader to ponder on the questions he asks or the revelations he makes like flashes of lighting that light up the dark sky for a moment. Poems like ‘Epiphany’ deconstructs the meaning of love and ‘A Revelation’ humbles the pride of the artist…whose art only reflects the creation of the creator who has created him.


  1. Epiphany 


You are my lifelong consort,

sticking very close to my heart.

Yet you are nowhere near my soul.

Sometimes the doors open up.

One day you approach me for some alms.

When I step out to extend the small favour,

You snatch away my all.

I turn a dusted reservoir.

The spilling water laughs back in response,

reflecting you,

the poor usurper in disguise.


  1. A Revelation


A whispered truth, a scene from within its frame

Whispers in my mind, a haunting refrain.

‘You are not the creator, nor the artist,’ it says.


I gaze into the void, and see only what’s been traced,

Lines deepened; a canvas shaped by an unseen hand.

I protest, ‘How could you do this?’ and the void replies,

‘I shape you, as the moon is shaped by the sun’s command.’


I demand proof, but the void simply whispers low,

‘Absence of evidence is not the proof of absence, don’t you know?’



Utpal Chakraborty

Utpal Chakraborty is a teacher of English literature, translator, writer, and bilingual poet. He regularly contributes to prominent Bengali and English magazines in India and abroad. His acclaimed collection of Bengali poems, Uranta Dolphin, was published by Ananda Publishers (Signet Press) in 2018. He translated The Mark, a collection of short stories, published by Shambhabi publications, Kolkata and Delhi. His book, Kirigami, a collection of English poetry, was published by Hawakal Publications and received rave reviews. He is the recipient of the Panorama Global Literary Award-2021. Five of his English poems were featured in the anthology Converse, published by Pippa Ran Books and Media (UK). His Bengali poem, #EkaNouJeno, was recited by celebrity singers in India and received coverage in leading newspapers such as The Times of India and Hindustan Times. His latest title, Moonwalk in the Afternoon, has been published by Penprints, Kolkata.

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