Two Poems by Basudhara Roy


Because I have read

the same books over and over again

and come to wait upon

the same patch of land

underneath the hill

at the same time each day,

Because I have trained my vision

to fix upon the skyline

and have gazed at the same view

all my hours —

the sun sliding into ignominy

in the same pool of blood

and the birds crying out

through their same sharp beaks

its shrill light,

I have with regularity received

the same missive —

the same day must be

lived out every day

dusted and folded neatly at dusk

at dawn celebrated

and spread out

like a pristine feast.



It isn’t only about the terseness of the night

of how hunger defeats memory or even fact

or how the elastic of desire can stretch

taut across impossibility.

It is also about the heart’s coverlet still empty

about how time invariably wins

and how when life’s clapper strikes

the mouth of the world mostly fails to ring.


Image: Rafi Haque

Basudhara Roy

Basudhara Roy teaches English at Karim City College affiliated to Kolhan University, Chaibasa. Creatively and academically drawn to themes of gender, ecology, and mythology, her five published books include a monograph and three collections of poems -- Moon in my Teacup (Writers Workshop, 2019), Stitching a Home (Red River, 2021), and Inhabiting (Authorspress, 2022). Her fourth collection of poems A Blur of a Woman is forthcoming from Red River this year end. Her work has featured widely in anthologies and magazines including Chandrabhaga, The Punch Magazine, Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English, Helter Skelter Anthology of New Writing, The Dhaka Tribune, EPW, and Madras Courier among others. Co-editor of two poetry anthologies and a firm believer in the therapeutic power of verse, she writes, reviews, and sporadically curates and translates poetry from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. (More about her at

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