it is meant there is whimsy, i suppose
all in a woe
the world is a spare thing
no, not the world, place
a place is a sparing
a show of stochasm
that i have lived i can take that walk
or is it the walking the living
but Sebald walked a lot and died at 53
i could be wrong
then the page went blank
i am wrong
the avoids
in a surrounding
patella nostril
could be a thing
yes, a sing
then what—walk on?
a brown paper bag
mess of crease in caress incontumely as get out
troppic of unknowns untap a nest at the behind
i know this one guy he sat with his back to the wall the one i mean
whaddaya know
they don’t build statues for that
they add a t in there for when you need to not be listened to
a barnyard
bell jure by the sighed of it
bray, intralocutor, whorn are yow
the rafture on the downcomb, the braille of strawn
miser the mazery the cudged curtain of lid
spray you esnough, espair, glutting scarrifics
gries in the mourntains, pining moths
the speak’s got its flutter, its fluster
the din in feather, the rundry hobble
there’s the scalpely end in scapula
the sweated cleaver’s whisper, doom beaconess
a tremor
shaky hands with the universe the uni-re-verse cuz that’s what / bow da
these iterations por or pre tendril am i the octopus or the squeezed / zzle fletch
who’s vamping whom when or whence i can’t just stand hence / y flingt of a
viber artia question mark no name or such game or ungainly / shimmy ring beau
circum stanch of it meddling modercine navailer nonvalentor / taneous arcumflix
desinvalide dühsuetudinal inchfilade don’t you / ture raspirate to the
smæs of rhynchteous reprobity, proboscibilitous velocitocity / tungch i’m its about
these reaxonoiterant strut-utters of lectric sping i surrought / as holey as the letting sky
the sgrountencies in the ditches of wrigglers in their / if i was a prayer this’d be me
viscous i if i could only if i could it’s down not up / and it o itty mio minus whats’ if
i’d shut this not that nor nothers my brothers i’d / curtainty dropwoed manma mix
mergenely cisternate the wobbly / ery slaneted in sligheth moval amoval
workity / devowal of caus’tion wing sheen at un
jerks / morse cuz whatlessly soars in plunsh of
/ scarce pirouetture ouette ouette i crawled
/ each colloudion at the poinct of ampate oak
/ renown and ounced upperly now there’s the
/ hummage the worsh and lode the sucutaneous
/ be and see rapturant renatury of lungst
/ and longily bearance cuz where it land is very
/ where in a thisery of a moment’s imprisment
a ray of sunlight
The last piece is actually two pieces meant to share a page and separated by a diagonal line (hence the slashes); “a ray of sunlight” is the title of the one to the right of the slashes; the confusion is all mine (as anyone might guess 🙂 )