Translators Wanted

Telugu to English translators, contact Gita Ramaswamy.

We are looking for Telugu-to-English translators. We have projects to translate important Telugu literature, both fiction and non-fiction, into English. We have already published English-versions of My Father Balaiah by Y. Satyanarayana, and the Sharp Knife of Memory by K. Koteswaramma.

Translations to be released soon are P. Sathyavathi’s anthology, Here I Am, and B. Anuradha’s Jail Kathalu. We are currently working on B. Vijayabharathi’s short essays that revisit the Puranas, for which we need help in translating from Telugu to English.

Please contact:

Gita Ramaswamy,
Plot No. 85, Balaji Nagar, Gudimalkapur,
Hyderabad 500 006
Ph +91 40 2352 1849 (O) / +91 9441559721

Gita Ramaswamy


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