The Formless SHE in my Dream  

I fail to recollect where exactly 

the journey has begun


Nor can I understand

toward which destination

this boundless voyage is


I just can hope to comprehend

vaguely though

where I sojourn at the moment


Not much time is left it appears

for the Sun

to vanish into the evening horizon


The ceaseless travel since dawn

it seems has longed for a while’s relax

for the Sun has masked His face

in the shade of the clouds


It appears the ride has 

paused not for a rest

for the clouds unveiling the masked Sun

bathe in the far-spread hues

and creep across the firmament high

resembling the dancing of a while

the dancing of a while only

on the dramatic stage painted blue

before fading into

endless Time and endless Space 


Through the lush green woods in the front

and the thick-boughed thickets not afar

the breezing lutes of the strings of the harp


The chirping murmurs of sparrows

and whispering melodies of parrots

from the plentiful bushes close at hand


A patting somebody from behind

with a passioned greeting addressing me


Yes! It is SHE!

So long ago! And long since too!

So what!

My memory has failed not me

just as hers too has failed her not

It is the self-same SHE!


My extended arms in curious haste

to hold close to the bosom

that long removed bond of selves and souls

despaired by the futility of an endured wait


A flash of a second! A startling shock!

Stunned! Wonder-struck!

SHE is formless!


A basket of wild date canes


hanging down her arm on the left

weighs down her slender waist

into a glowing crescent moon


Wild date canes not entwined

like slanted arrows sharp

gripped in her palm of the right

look up into the firmament overhead

as if in the quest for new fathoms


The canes in her right arm grip

with an exclaimed gaze

toward the earth at her feet

as if to unfold the wondrous secrets

of the mysteries of their births


Ever since the day SHE entered

my inner self chiseled and layered as if

the living image of my inmost recesses

which I tenderly nurtured

and those canes hanging down her arm

and those yet to be entwined

I could realize minute by minute

are but the priceless treasures

of my creative self


On the feather-like meads

now sitting by ourselves

SHE and me

in a speechless console


Over the moist cheek her eyes have sizzled

in the melancholic silence her lips have spilled

the fond memories of the grief-struck past

the darkened shades of the throbbing hearts


All out of a naked involuntariness

the formless SHE

graciously takes my hand into hers

The canes in her grip on the right

and the canes in the basket

yet to be entwined

in a fraction of a moment

change their forms

into a cluster of blooms

in my book of verses


Her silence breaks into a moan

and breathes out sighs of

reminiscent ponderings


See! Do you at all remember

these verses! Mine! Yes!

Mine alone!

Which you yourself wrote

See! Look here!

Look at these poems!

Which you are writing still

Yes! Mine! Mine alone!


A wonder again!

Ah! How come!

How come SHE is with me

here by my side

in this meadowed sojourn of mine 

for her dwelling is a faraway country


Oh! That is the reason why

across the paths she trod on

to these sojourning meadows of me

the formless SHE is beginning

to fade into timeless spaces


Relinquishing little by little

her formless body

assuming her bodily form

little by little SHE now vanishes

into naught little by little


Where exactly has my journey begun

I fail to recall in the faintest yet


But now I hope not to recollect

vaguely though

I sojourn where at the now


I now feel like comprehending

vaguely though

toward which destination

this boundless voyage is


It strikes as if this voyage is

toward those brilliant clouds

of rainbow hue

toward that dramatic stage

of the sky painted blue

toward that setting Sun

vanishing into the evening horizon


బైరెడ్డి కృష్ణారెడ్డి

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