Surendra Dev Chelli’s Two Poems

If at all…

No broken prism

can split the light into Rainbow,
There is no trace of
The restless legs to hear
Chirping music of the nature.
No day could ever produce
The same warmth of the daylight,
If at all
the Source is a movie prop.
On the start of winter
Like a usual day of tomorrow
The snow flakes were drizzling
Healing the Mother Earth
From the heat rash of the other day.
The queues in-front of the cafes
Were doubling and
The streets now have a
Strong Aroma of bean roasting ever.
The church bell rings cautiously.
To remember train horns in
Quarter past an hour.
Now the knees work on
The bike’s dynamo theory
To enlighten the way to chase
For a loaf of bread.
When the train passes through,
I learnt to say goodbye
In a better way than the earlier.

At the darkest hour 


Winds churn out the feathery clouds

In the midst of the ocean,

The skywalk is a glazed doughnut

With a spark lightening

Before rumbling thunders

I witness the smile in it.

Somewhere amidst the star falls

In a blink,

Do I need to make a wish?

In a world,

Where pitch dark sets fire on the carpet!

In the hour,

Where the Wild West Wind was shaping up?

Do I still make a wish?

When the star is tailed with fire

Should the sails of life be rigid and affirmative?

When the platter is sizzling

The eyelids are shutting down

Could it turn

the red hot blood to settle down

Like a baby in the cradle?

Or else

To be a layer of jam in a Victorian style cake!

Orchids or daisies are ornamental

Where I could see the manure as potential.

Somewhere the single engined body

With a fleshy heart

Should be sown with a seed of peace!

Before the time knockers

Curtain raise the dawn

I would love to say

Either heart of a doughnut or the sun

Is a black hole,

Which resembles the centric of a volcano

Without mercy.


Surendra Dev Chelli

Honestly,The toughest part at the moment is to write a self introductory note. Though I have registered as Surendra Dev Chelli on records but, my mates like to crack the shell of a nut gently as per their phonetic convenience. Previously published collection of poems in Telugu as “Nadiche Daarilo”, currently living in UK and working as a Dispensary Manager after Post Graduation in Business. The ambience of literature is a constant source of motivation to walk in the unknown frontiers without fear and record the memoir to recollect the best part of the life lived so far.

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