Poems by Dr. Paramita Mukherjee Mullick

Dr. Paramita Mukherjee Mullick is a scientist, editor, literary curator and an award-winning poet. She has published eleven books and some of her poems have been translated into more than forty five languages. She promotes peace, multilingual, global and indigenous poetry. Through her poems she also makes children and adults aware about conservation and climate change. She heads two literary and performance forums in Mumbai, India.

Mother Earth

Which soil is my own?
The soil which my paternal grandfather left in East Bengal?
Or the soil of West Bengal where my mother’s ancestors have lived for long?

Which soil is my own?
The soil where my father taught me to play and hold the first pen?
Or the soil of the house of a stranger whom I fell in love with?

Which soil is my own?
The soil of the city I grew up in?
Or the soil of the city that I have made my home in?

Is the smell of soil different in different places?
With the first monsoon setting in, is petrichor different in different places?
I scooped up a handful of soil and it smelt like Mother Earth.




I was disheartened and sad.
Hurt by mortals again and again.
Nature embraced me and made me glad.
I was searching for solace in humans in vain.
The birds chirped and the water gurgled.

The fragrance of Champas gave me peace
I was happy and overcame all struggles.
My mind was calm and at ease.
The trees swayed in the breeze.
The crows cawed and collected sprigs.
I wallowed in nature, found a new joy lease.
The sunlight danced in the water like lamp wicks.
I was a fool to not have found,
That in nature love abounds.



When all shackles break off

I pray that one day all shackles break off.
The orange blends with the green.
The whites and blacks mingle.
Wouldn’t that be a wonderful scene?

I pray that one day all shackles break off.
Together rings the temple, mosque and church bell.
All will be respectful to the other.
That truly will be a day swell.

I pray that one day all shackles break off.
The layers of jealousy and hatred end.
No more criticising and judging others
Then peace will reign, and all will be a friend.


Paramita Mukherjee Mullick

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