Openings – 2

I woke up and immediately felt dizzy.

Ignoring it, I was just about to get up when I saw you. There you were, intently reading a book.

Then my spasms began. I couldn’t breathe. You then turned to me. Your shining black eyes, your cheeks, your shoulders, and…you smiled.

But you didn’t get up.

I kept thinking, “Why won’t you talk to me?” That very moment, or the next one, I don’t remember exactly, I died.

That’s how you got rid of me.

Author’s note:  Openings is a series of a short scenes. Each scene carries some emotion, intrigue and surprise. You can use these scenes in your own creative way: unblock your writing, or practice translating them into Telugu or any other language, or make it your own and take it in a direction you want it to go.

Raj Karamchedu

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