
Nothing would stop him from prying open my arms and Oh! My legs too!

Try putting an octopus, tightly wound into a suitcase,
It’s shiny slithery being, with all it’s arms flailing,
The weighty core throbbing, Oh! It’s so embarrassing!

I kept them all tightly wound, in a tiny corner of my mind.
But out they come snorting, at the slightest of a feeling,

The hint of tobacco in the air, the fall of feet on the stair,
The locking of the door with greatest care!

I hide under the bed, my little arms and legs hugging each other,
My terror struck eyes, my parched throat, my body’s silent struggle,
Nothing would stop him from prying open my arms and Oh! My legs too!

Wet and dirty, I coil into myself, but the memory keeps spreading
Like a slimy slithery being, filling my mind, filling my being…

Featured image: Narwhal and Octopus by David Michael Hinnebusch, WikiArt.org

సింగరాజు రమాదేవి

I write in Telugu, with an occasional piece in English. I published a volume of short stories in Telugu named "Oka Parichayam, Oka Parimalam" in August 2014. I write poetry, short stories, and articles in Telugu. I am also interested in translation, and have done some translation work from English to Telugu. I am a big fan of old Hindi film music. Gender issues are close to my heart, and child sexual abuse is one thing I am very concerned about.

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