Nishi Pulugurtha’s Two Poems

  1. Entwined

The winter afternoon sun is just crisp and nice

As it glistens on the waters of that green lake

A pink bloom visible amidst all that green

Huge trees all around

A dense foliage with streaks of light entering through

Roots, leaves and creepers entwined

Strong and powerful

The holds tight and unbreakable

Holding on, for years, dependant

Leaning on, a camaraderie

Crisscrossing motifs creating patterns

That stay on

Remain, have remained for years now

Is it stifling too?

Is something taken away?

Does it ache to be free?

Would it be possible to shake free?


Those entwines that suffocate

That smother

Like those hands on the neck

That leave a mark…



a quietness, a stillness

no motion anywhere

the burning sun scalds

the heat disturbs

the leaves that hang in my window


their colour and brightness

seem to have evaporated

the faint red cactus blooms


quite a number of them

standing bright

a little bit of colour

in colourless times.


Nishi Pulugurtha

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