You want me to scan my lines and get
me tight with rhymes and off rhymes
within patterns imposed by tradition,
by past practice. You wish me to imprison
myself in a late attempt to write like
some ancestors celebrated in the Canon,
but not again and again like those other
fellows and fellas who unleashed the virus
of free verse into prosody–their democratic
impulse inevitably opening the stadium
gates to bovver boys and skinheads
of poetry, who make love and war
to the page in a great hurry without
any birth control, filling the earth
with billions of new, unschooled lines
of children obsessed only with their identity.
Indran Amirthanayagam, c) June 24, 2023
Well now, don’t blame free verse for over-the-top identity poetics! Many (in the democratic sense) can (and do) write awful FORMAL identity poetry.