Kafir’s Monologue

I am a kafir

born in a Hindu family

teared up hearing azaan

after a decade for the first time

The proof of life we lived

The land we once belonged to

The hidden, forgotten but still existing

In memories

In Science, We call triggers

My body experienced something I knew

Something part of me & my life all along, senses that are familiar

Knowingly or unknowingly

That got lost in between

Or may be kidnapped from us

Was found suddenly as a surprise

And my body responded with tears

Like a mother that had glanced at her lost child—-Like experience (life) is a child and We (our body) are the home

Didn’t know till then what I held in me

The world & me



Can we get more of these triggers

To know our world

That Once we experienced, cherished

The one we got lost from the childhood

Where we experienced life unconditionally

Where we lived without labels

When we fought for batting and bowling

When Ramadan, eid, christmas, bathukamma, holi, diwali were all celebrations

Those forgotten experiences

To make all our senses awaken

To teach we are still alive

We are still human.


Bhavana Goparaju

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