Jagari Mukherjee’s Two Poems

Jagari Mukherjee is poet with a heart. Most of her poems speak of the shades of romantic love and loss. She beautifully juxtaposes her personal feelings with nature – the sun, rain and rainbow emote her feelings on a cosmic level. Her poems are a visual delight of colours, images and essences. One can feel, see and almost touch the elements through her poetry. As a woman she gives voice to her deep sense of angst, betrayal, learning and resilience through her poems. She is young at heart and eager to learn and unlearn through her life’s trials and tribulations. Her verses connect with the reader at a very rudimentary level and records her poetic response to the world within as well as without.




The heart breaks again. The pain feels fresh as a bubble encompassing its own rainbow. I won’t allow the rains to flood me this time. Let the sun shine resplendent on the masked smile playing around my lips…


rose-tinted glasses–

abstractions of vibgyor

in a cracked mirror




Submerged in you, I wonder if I am “I” without you. The moon refuses to part from the night. You are hidden in my soul, in presence and in absence. In a guilty transparent cup of moonlit Earl Grey.  In a Beatles song: only we know which one.



you blossom

in unheard lyrics



Jagari Mukherjee



The winner of the 2019 Reuel International Prize for Poetry, Jagari Mukherjee is the Founder and Chief Executive Editor of the literary journal, EKL Review. She has authored five solo collections of poetry--two chapbooks and three full-length volumes. Her most recent poetry collection is Exit Noire (2023) published by Bookwryter. Jagari’s poetry ebook, Wine-Kissed Poems (2020), co-authored with Dr. Ampat Koshy, became an Amazon bestseller in India and the US.  Her poems and other creative pieces have been published in different venues both in India and abroad such as Kitaab, Fasihi Magazine, Vox Poetica, Treehouse Arts, Harbinger Asylum, Plum Tree Tavern, Scarlet Leaf Review, Ariel Chart, The Hollins Critic, and Flora Fiction, to name only a few. She has performed her poetry both in the US and in India, including at Sahitya Akademi. Her poems have found a home in many anthologies, including in The Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English 2020 and 2021. She is a gold medallist in English Literature, a Best of the Net 2018 nominee, DAAD scholar from Technical University, Dresden, Germany, and a Bear River Writers' Conference alumna. She has won numerous prestigious awards, including the Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize for Book Review (2018), the Women Empowered Gifted Poet Award (2020), the Jury Prize at Friendswood Library's Ekphrastic Poetry Reading And Contest (2021), and most recently, The Bharat International Award for Literature 2022 For Short Story. She is the Issue Editor and Poetry Editor of MANA, the creative writing section of Caesurae, a UGC Care-listed journal.

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