Beautiful Small Things

Frayed and fretting

Chafed and chipped

Gnawed over till agony smirked

All over.

Spreadeagled, I lay


In the omnipresent sadness.

Soulless splinters and shards

Wounded me,

I begged but

They spared me not.

‘This is life’ they said.


I lived on with

Visions of a magical world

Pretty rainbows, slivers of gold rays,

New moons, new gardens

Tempered me with

A new strength for I knew

‘this is life’.


It was hope, my fiery friend

That nudged me

Consoled and cosseted me.

The unsparing paths that

Taught invaluable lessons

The small things that

Became beautiful

As I trudged on

This path called



Balesh Jindal

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