An ode to my Hero

I chose to speak what has to be spoken
Suffering for the crimes that are not proven

I chose the way leading to martyrdom
Cuz I am the one who follows Malcom

For so long languishing behind the bars
To seculars and liberals, my tone is harsh.

In my dark cell comes the light of Iman
Through the dark bars I listen Azaan

Narrating the tale of years of betrayal
Suffering sedition and court trials

As a Muslim, I will always speak
Enough of this fascism, I can’t breathe.

Dare not to bulldoze my existance
I am the resistance, I am the resistance

You got it right I am Sharjeel Imam
I am the one who calls Chakka Jaam.

Waris Raza is a student of English literature, a reader of world literature who is inclined towards Urdu poetry, specifically of Allama Iqbal. An activist and a promotor of identity politics.

Waris Raza

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